There Are No Rules…

Confession. I’m stuck. I’m terribly, completely, and pathetically stuck. I’ve fallen into a routine that’s safe, grounded, and secure. A routine that is constant, consistent, and comfortable. Though this routine has given me what I need, it has failed in its efforts to supply what I want. As a young, independent, curious, ambitious, college graduate, I have a thirst for life that has yet to be quenched. With each passing day, my heart continues to long for something more. What that is, I do not know. However, in my efforts to stumble upon my “something more”, I hope that I will have the strength and the courage to change, to take risks, and to be bold.

“For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you’ve never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life your proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.”


My Summer Vacation. . .

in iPhone photos and GoPro photos and “Mom” photos. . .

Bear lake

Those Ears. . .

Months have gone by since I first brought Fitz home and into our lives. I remember lying in bed that first night, absolutely terrified and unsure of what I was doing. Having never truly been responsible for anyone but myself, I instantly became responsible for another life in a matter of seconds. Having finally satisfied the desire and the longing in my heart for a dog of my own, failure was not an option. For as soon as I saw those big brown eyes and those long ears, my heart melted and I fell in love with him. Now, almost nine months old and spoiled beyond belief, I am proud to say that, thus far and with the gracious help of others, I have successfully navigated the responsibilities of a dog owner. And though he continues to drive my mother crazy, and at times can be found doing laps around the house like the energizer bunny, I am forever grateful that I said “YES.”


Choose Happiness. . .

A few weeks ago as I read “I Am That Girl” by Alexis Jones, I came across a line that tugged at my heart strings and spoke to my soul. In the short span of time it took to read this line, I resolved to make this idea, this profound truth a way of life. No longer do I wish to be found guilty of living my life in such a way that my happiness or gratitude be contingent on some moment in the future. For how much of life do we miss by waiting to see the rainbow before thanking God that there is rain?

“Part of dreaming is being content where you are at in this precise moment, choosing happiness now instead of your happy being contingent on ‘when all your dreams come true.”


Happy Birthday. . .

When it comes to you and me, we are polar opposites. You have blonde, curly hair. I have brown semi-straight hair. You are outgoing, confident, and optimistic. I am shy, doubtful, and pessimistic. You are spontaneous, loud, and care-free. I am deliberate, quite, and guarded.

For years I have looked up to you and admired you for everything I am not. You have such passion and conviction that I could only dream of possessing. Your ability to chase after your dreams, your passions, and your hopes is something I can only dream of. Your fearlessness, courage, and strength are to be commended. You are the woman I dream of being, the woman I aspire to become.

It has been said that there is no better friend than a sister, and there is no better sister than you. This could not be more true. Happy birthday Courtney! May the world be a wish granting factory on this day just for you, because you, my dear, simply deserve it.

Explore. Dream. Discover. . .

“Life is short. Break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile. Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

                               Mark Twain


A Night To Remember. . .

. . .at least, that’s what they tell you. I’m not really sure if its true. I definitely don’t remember my high school prom, but, that’s probably because I didn’t go. Its a bitter memory that I have pushed back into the far recesses of my mind. It’s locked and sealed away in a file that reads in big red letters: “DO NOT OPEN.” This is where most of my high school memories are found. Let’s just say, high school was not the best four years of my life. They were more like the most embarrissing four years of my life. Recently, however, a lot of these memories have made their way to the surface as I’ve watched my brother, Tyler, finish his senior year and prepare for graduation.

Unlike his cool, smart, stylish, swaggy older sister, my little brother attended his high school prom last month.  “Dressed to the nines” with a three piece suit, the signature bow tie, and a funky pair of socks, Tyler and his beautiful date, Kessa, were ready to dance the night away.



























Sneak Peek. . .

High School. Class of 2014. Suits. Bow Ties. Beautiful Dresses. And Prom.



Be That Girl…

I recently began reading a book entitled “I Am That Girl.” And though I have only just begun to read the words of wisdom, encouragement, inspiration, and empowerment that grace its pages, this book is nothing short of inspirational. As someone who is passionate about women empowerment, I am filled with joy and excitement for what this book has to offer. The author, Alexis Jones, will inspire you, motivate you, strengthen your determination, and empower you to find your voice, to find your truth, and to stop at nothing to follow your passion. And so, for this installation of “Quote of the Day,” I share with you the words and wisdom of Ms. Jones.

“Our generation is criticized for being the most entitled in history. I think that’s the greatest problem we could possibly have because that means we are a generation of girls who actually think we can change the world. But before we get too big for our britches…we have to humbly recognize Gandhi’s powerful advice–we can’t just talk about it, tweet about it, or post it on one of our many social media outlets, we have to be it…the girl who has the potential to create magic, to ignite change, and to inspire the world.”


Dear Tyler. . .

When I sat down to write this post, I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to say. I thought I would simply write about you, your passion, your talent, your wisdom, your kindness, and your heart. But, now that I am sitting here, reflecting on the past 18 years, these simple words that I dare try to write, do not seem to do you any justice.

For the past few years, I have been inspired by your passion, your confidence, your fearlessness, and your desire to live life to the fullest. Now with only two months until your high school graduation, I cannot help but think what life has in store for you.  As you prepare for this chapter in your life  to come to an end, a new chapter full of friends, opportunities, and experiences is waiting to begin. This will be a chapter of your life filled with open doors and life-changing experiences. A chapter that will encourage you and push you outside of your comfort zone. A chapter that will mold you and shape you. A chapter that will challenge you to reach your full potential. A chapter that will allow you to write your future and become the man you were destined to be.  Tyler, I know, without a doubt, that you are destined for something amazing and I cannot wait to watch you conquer the world.

I am so excited for you and so proud of the stylish young man that you have become.  Much to our surprise, you have definitely turned out way cooler than we thought you would. (To be  quite honest, Courtney and I were worried about you. You used to wear your pants like Steve Urkel.) Nevertheless, Tyler, here’s to you. My little brother, my best friend. Class of 2014.

















